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Antibiotic Awareness Week

By November 15, 2021 Greenbay Vet News

World antibiotic awareness week is 18th-24th November 2021.

Some bacteria have become resistant to the drugs we use to treat them and have started to fight back. Help keep our antibiotics effective by using them responsibly.

We all have a role to play in ensuring antibiotics continue working. Here are some examples of what we can do:

  • Be hygienic. We all know the importance of regular and proper hand washing to prevent infections spreading.
  • Never take someone else’s antibiotics – the same goes for your pets!
  • Always follow the instructions from your vet or doctor – give the correct dose, at the right time, and complete the course.
  • Trust your doctor or vet – not all infections need antibiotics. Testing and sending a sample to the lab may be recommended to ensure treatment is appropriate.
  • Dispose of any unused antibiotics properly – take them back to your pharmacy or vet, don’t put them in the bin or down the loo.

At Greenbay Vets we have an antibiotic prescribing policy, which is reviewed regularly.

You can find out more here.


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