This gorgeous girl is Simba (or Simmie as she is affectionately known). For the past year she has been receiving laser treatment for her arthritis, and both we and her owner have been really pleased with the results. Her owner has kindly written this lovely testimonial for us:
“I have a Leonberger bitch called Simmie who is nearly 13 – an incredible age for a giant breed. Like all older dogs she has arthritis and a year ago I noticed she was getting very weak on her hind legs and she started to fall which frightened her. I was obviously very concerned and decided it was time to put her to sleep as I didn’t want her to suffer in any way. When I spoke to my vet John at Greenbay he suggested we try laser therapy. I was a bit doubtful that it would help but agreed to give it a try.
“As it is a non invasive procedure involving only 10 minutes or so of treatment it had a double advantage for Simmie as she has a delicate stomach and oral medication often upsets her.
I am pleased to say that a over a year later she is still with me. The difference the treatment has made is amazing – she has not fallen since and although very elderly and obviously a little unsteady she can still wander around the garden and enjoy a good quality of life.
Laser therapy has given me another year with my beloved dog and I am extremely grateful that my vet was able to offer this treatment.”
We are so pleased to have been able to help Simba and her owner in this way.
Laser treatment is available at both our Torquay and Paignton vets surgeries, you can find out more here.