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Birds + General Care

  • A change in the appearance of droppings is often a sign of illness in a pet bird. While not usually specific for any one particular disease, a change in the colour, frequency, volume, or…

  • Bathing is very important to the proper maintenance of feathers. All birds do it. In the wild a bird may bathe during a rain shower, find a puddle, lake or stream to splash in or nuzzle…

  • Most birds are naturally very active during the day and would normally encounter a huge variety of perching textures and perch sizes in their wild environment. This, along with ordinary…

  • Most birds have the misfortune of eating in their bathroom and defecating in their kitchen! It is essential to keep a bird's environment as clean as possible. The bottom of the cage should be…

  • Chronic egg laying occurs when a female bird lays more than the normal number of eggs or more commonly has repeated clutches of eggs, especially in the absence of a mate. While not usually…

  • Birds are naturally mischievous and will get into many predicaments. It is crucial that you "bird proof" your home. The bird’s cage is its house and the confines of your home…

  • A bird is entirely reliant on you for everything in its life. Its happiness and good health are provided by you, the caring pet bird owner. It is important to continually strive to better your…

  • A bird is entirely reliant on you for everything in its life. Its happiness and good health are provided by you, the caring pet bird owner. It is important to continually strive to better your…

  • Most of these pet birds live in the wild in groups or flocks. A solitary existence is not a secure existence for prey species. However, for hand-reared birds that have been imprinted to think…

  • Leg bands are often applied by the breeder to help identify and keep track of their birds. Breeders usually apply closed (solid) rings or bands at an early age when the small feet will fit…