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Dogs + General Care

  • Dental disease is very common in dogs over the age of three years. It is known that regular teeth cleaning is the best way to prevent periodontal disease which can result in the loss of many…

  • Dental disease is probably as common and as painful in dogs as in man. Since dogs do not have the ability to communicate their discomfort until relatively recently a lot of dental problems…

  • From 1st May 2007 the docking of puppies’ and dogs’ tails was prohibited in England, Wales and Scotland. Exemptions cover certain working breeds and also if performed as a…

  • The most common cause of heatstroke or hyperthermia is the confinement of a dog in a car with inadequate ventilation. In such circumstances the condition can occur with frightening rapidity.…

  • There are many methods of restraining a dog on a lead; from collars to head halters and 'one size (or type) does not fit all'. Functionality, comfort and safety should be the prime considerations in any choice.

  • Permanent identification is primarily designed to provide an effective means of reuniting owners with dogs that have strayed. Other important uses are in connection with the eradication of…

  • We are all very much aware of the problems that obesity causes in people. Heart, joint and breathing problems are the most common. What is not so commonly known is the fact that the same…

  • Senior and geriatric dogs are at the stage of life at which the aging process is beginning to affect most organs. Some wear out faster than others, so it is important that older dogs do have…

  • Wounds vary according to: Cause, e.g. puncture wounds, abrasions and lacerations, etc. Site, e.g. paws, abdomen, eyes, etc. Level of contamination, clean (surgical) wounds, contaminated…

  • You consulted us because you were worried about your dog's bad breath (halitosis) and we told you it is due to periodontal disease. We hope this handout will help.