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Zoonotic Diseases

  • This disease, common in North America, does occur in Britain. It is caused by a spirochete bacterium called Borrelia which is carried by certain ticks which, when affected, can spread the…

  • Mange is a parasitic skin disease caused by microscopic mites. Three different types of mites can commonly cause problems in dogs:-The otodectic mite usually infests the ears resulting in…

  • MRSA in veterinary practice was highlighted in 2004 when several cases were confirmed. For some years prior to this the MRSA 'super bug' had been recognised as a huge problem in many human hospitals.

  • Rabies is caused by a virus which is transmitted by the bite of an infected animal. It can affect most warm blooded animals and is almost always fatal, both to dogs and humans infected from…

  • Ringworm is a skin disease caused by a microscopic fungal organism. It is zoonotic, i.e. it affects us as well as dogs, cats and other animals. Because in man the lesions are frequently…

  • Zoonoses are diseases which are transmitted from animals to man. Altogether there are well over a hundred diseases that are capable of being transmitted in this way. However most are extremely…