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  • Pyothorax refers to the presence of inflammatory fluid (pus) within the chest cavity surrounding the lungs. Pyothorax is usually caused by a bacterial infection in the chest cavity. Usually, pus is present in both…

  • Rabies is transmitted by a virus and is probably the most horrendous disease affecting warm blooded animals which include cats and humans. It is almost always fatal. The disease is usually…

  • Redirected or misdirected aggression is simply a term used to describe the situation where aggression of whatever motivation is directed towards a victim who is not the initial provoking stimulus. It can also be referred to as frustration motivated aggression.

  • If problems of aggression have broken out between cats in the same household it may be necessary to use an active programme of reintroduction. In order to maximise the success of the programme it can be helpful to install Feliway diffusers in the house as part of the treatment approach.

  • Ringworm is a fungal infection of the superficial layers of the skin, hairs and nails. The fungi responsible for ringworm belong to a specialised group known as dermatophytes, and these can…

  • The diaphragm is the muscular sheet which separates the chest cavity from the abdominal cavity and is important in breathing movements. If it becomes ruptured, organs from the abdominal cavity may pass through the tear to enter and lie within the chest cavity next to the heart and lungs.

  • Cat scratch disease, or Cat scratch fever, is a disease of humans, not of cats. However, a cat scratch is often associated with the disease, although this is not believed to be the means by…

  • Scratching is a perfectly normal feline behaviour. It is recognised as having at least four functions, namely: to remove the worn outer claw sheath, to stretch and condition the apparatus…

  • Second opinions and referrals often cause great anxiety to owners, irrespective of whether suggested by the vet or considered as a possibility by the pet owner. Sometimes, despite every…

  • Seizures and epilepsy are less commonly encountered in cats than dogs. They are, however, the most common sign of disease affecting the front part of the brain in the cat.Some important terms:…