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  • There are a number of excellent books and training guides available that are intended to teach pet owners how to apply the basic principles of learning and training in a humane, effective and logical manner.

  • Benazepril is used to treat heart failure in dogs and kidney failure in cats. It dilates the arteries and veins thereby reducing blood pressure. High blood pressure makes the heart work…

  • These notes are provided to help you understand the diagnosis or possible diagnosis of cancer or other conditions which may be confused with cancer in your pet. For general information on…

  • Unfortunately our pets do not live as long as we do. In fact, compared with us they live relatively short lives and although we realise this, nevertheless when the time comes to say goodbye,…

  • Betamethasone is a corticosteroid used to treat inflammatory conditions involving the joints, skin conditions, eye conditions, and ear problems. There may be other conditions for which your…

  • Bethanechol chloride is used to stimulate muscular contractions in your pet’s bladder. It is used in pets unable to urinate. Bethanechol chloride is not available as a veterinary…

  • Tea is second only to water as the most consumed beverage in the world. Both black and green tea are made from the tea plant, Camellia sinensis. The highest quality teas are derived from young…

  • Various treatments are available for treatment of different types of stones (calculi, uroliths) affecting the urinary system. These medicines dissolve the stones or inhibit their formation.…

  • Blood coagulation refers to a complex procedure which results in a blood clot. Clotting occurs after any injury involving blood vessels or tissues in order to stop blood loss.

  • Most of the red and white blood cells are formed in the bone marrow. If a recent blood test indicates a problem with any of the blood cells a bone marrow sample, sent to an appropriate laboratory, may indicate the reason.