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Behavior & Training

  • Prevention starts with puppy training and socialisation. Early and frequent pleasant association with other dogs will enable your pet to learn how to recognise and interpret canine…

  • Dogs are social animals whose evolutionary history makes them willing and able to live in groups. Group living enables a range of co-operative activities to take place efficiently as long as…

  • The terms dominance or status related aggression are confusing and outdated, although they are still widely used in the popular media. It is useful to spend a bit of time trying to understand…

  • The presence of unwanted and inappropriate barking is one of the most common complaints of dog owners and their neighbours! Up to a third of noise complaints to the Environmental Health…

  • There are many reasons, why an animal may do the same thing again and again. It may be a response to something specific which triggers the behaviour, for example. people passing by might cause…

  • Many dogs will react to the sight or sound of passers by but for some owners this behaviour can get out of hand and it can be very embarrassing to have a dog that goes wild whenever someone…

  • While most cases of coprophagia appear to be purely behavioural, there are numerous medical problems that can cause or contribute to coprophagia. It is therefore important to get your dog…

  • Digging behaviour in dogs can have many motivations. Some breeds, such as the Northern breeds (Huskies, Malamutes) dig cooling holes to lie in and indeed on a very hot summer day any dog may…

  • Dogs, especially puppies, are extremely playful and exploratory in their behaviour. While play with people and other dogs is an important part of socialisation and social development,…

  • For any social group to function properly, rules and boundaries need to be established and maintained. This does not involve the use of force but rather the consistent application of…