Jaundice is the name given to the yellow pigment found in the blood and in the tissues which can most easily be seen in jaundiced patients in the gingiva (gums), the sclera (white part of the…
Blood platelets, scientifically known as thrombocytes, are produced from the largest cells found in the bone marrow (megakaryocytes). One megakaryocyte will produce many platelets. Once in…
Your dog is lame if he has a limp or does not move normally.The commonest causes are pain or instability of the joint. Lameness can affect dogs of any age from growing puppies to the elderly.…
Laryngeal paralysis is quite frequently initially diagnosed as a chest infection. Initial signs are virtually the same, i.e. shortage of breath, noisy breathing or a cough. However laryngeal…
There are many methods of restraining a dog on a lead; from collars to head halters and 'one size (or type) does not fit all'. Functionality, comfort and safety should be the prime considerations in any choice.
This is a disease caused by a protozoan (single celled) parasite found in dogs and certain rodents in many part of the world. It can affect man but there is no direct transmission from dog to…
The lens is the transparent structure within the eye which assists focusing. It is a flattened sphere which is held in place by tiny ligaments around its circumference.In some dogs,…
Leptospirosis is a bacterial disease of dogs that affects blood, liver, or kidneys. There are several types of leptospira (spiral shaped bacteria) that can be responsible for the disease. It…
Veterinary medicines, just like their human counterparts, are subject to various regulations, for example some need prescriptions and others do not.As the result of the new Veterinary…
Also known as acral lick dermatitis, it usually starts with an area of hair loss and reddened skin due to licking usually in the region of the carpus (wrist) on the front legs or the hock…