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  • This disease, popularly known as German Shepherd Disease results in a slowly progressive hind limb weakness and paralysis, often occurring over several months. Early signs are:- Knuckling of…

  • Chronic kidney failure (chronic renal failure CRF) indicates that the kidneys have slowly stopped functioning and are, therefore, not producing urine properly. By definition, kidney failure is…

  • Infection with Protozoan (one-celled) organisms known as coccidian. These are microscopic parasites living within cells of the intestinal lining. Since they live in the intestinal tract they…

  • Coenzyme Q-10 (‘CoQ10’ or ‘ubiquinone’) is a fat soluble nutrient, abundant in the body. It is a vital component of the mitochondria, the powerhouses of the cell.…

  • Colostrum is the antibody-rich milk produced from the mother’s mammary glands during the first few days of life. It contains thousands of antibodies (immunoglobulins), lactoferrin,…

  • Most dog owners are aware that roundworms and tapeworms are common intestinal parasites of the dog. With the relaxation of quarantine regulations with the introduction of the PETS travel scheme, combined with our warmer summers, some other parasitic worms are now becoming more commonly seen in the UK.

  • There are many reasons, why an animal may do the same thing again and again. It may be a response to something specific which triggers the behaviour, for example. people passing by might cause…

  • Allergic reactions are very common in dogs and are fully described in a separate handout on Allergies and Hypersensitivities. Yes, there are at least five common types of allergy in the dog:…

  • Several products are available for the prevention or postponement of oestrus (heat, seasons) in bitches. Hormonal control of oestrus is not recommended before the first season, in bitches with…

  • Many dogs will react to the sight or sound of passers by but for some owners this behaviour can get out of hand and it can be very embarrassing to have a dog that goes wild whenever someone…