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  • MRSA in veterinary practice was highlighted in 2004 when several cases were confirmed. For some years prior to this the MRSA 'super bug' had been recognised as a huge problem in many human hospitals.

  • If you know your dog has aggressive tendencies, then it is irresponsible to risk the health of others by not taking suitable precautions. In a survey of 7,500 schoolchildren in the U.K. one…

  • This condition is also called Legg Calve Perthes disease, von Perthes disease or sometimes Terrier Hip disease.

  • Neutering removes the sexual urge from both dogs and bitches. Carried out surgically it is irreversible. Temporary or semi-permanent control can be affected by the use of certain drugs. If you…

  • Most male animals (stallions, bulls, boars, rams and tom cats) that are kept for companionship, work, or food production are neutered (castrated) unless they are intended to be used as…

  • Nicergoline increases the blood flow to the brain. It is used in older dogs to improve age-related disorders such as dullness and lethargy. Nicergoline is an alpha-adrenoceptor blocking drug.…

  • Nitroscanate is used to control roundworms and some types of tapeworms in dogs. Your veterinary surgeon will advise a deworming programme for your pet. Give this medication to your pet as…

  • NSAIDs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are used to treat mild to moderate pain, to reduce inflammation and to reduce fever. Your veterinary surgeon may prescribe NSAIDs to…

  • We are all very much aware of the problems that obesity causes in people. Heart, joint and breathing problems are the most common. What is not so commonly known is the fact that the same…

  • An oesophagostomy tube is a small flexible tube that enters the oesophagus or gullet via a small incision through the skin of the neck. It then enters the oesophagus (gullet) through another…