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Dogs + General Care

  • Unfortunately our pets do not live as long as we do. In fact, compared with us they live relatively short lives and although we realise this, nevertheless when the time comes to say goodbye,…

  • Tellington T-Touch® was developed by Linda Tellington Jones as a method of behavioural modification and animal treatment without the use of force. Today it is used on animals and people…

  • Insulin, to stabilise diabetic pets, is the usual drug that has to be administered daily by owners. There are others and we thought that this handout may be of value. Single use syringes and…

  • Manufacturers of licensed products for dogs have today made tremendous efforts to ensure that medicines are not only efficacious but also palatable. Syringes, spoons, droppers and other…

  • Many drugs in tablet form, licensed for use in dogs, have been specially formulated with palatability in mind. However, if the dog is at all suspicious he is unlikely to eat the tablet…

  • Having been supplied with cream, lotion or ointment to apply, there is then the problem of how to apply it! Even the most biddable dog can object violently to applications on a sensitive area.…

  • This ear preparation has been supplied in order to assist in treating your pet’s ear complaint. The condition is not uncommon and as mentioned there are a number of possible causes. You…

  • We have discussed the frequency and application of the eye medication prescribed but you may find these notes useful. It is always useful to have someone hold your dog for you if at all…

  • Many owners are concerned when they have to board their dog, particularly for the first time. Today there are several alternatives: Pet sitting agencies are available that will arrange for…

  • Most dog owners are aware that roundworms and tapeworms are common intestinal parasites of the dog. With the relaxation of quarantine regulations with the introduction of the PETS travel scheme, combined with our warmer summers, some other parasitic worms are now becoming more commonly seen in the UK.