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Cats + Others

  • The arrival of a new child is associated with a great deal of excitement, anxiety and stress for not only the humans, but also your family pet. Some dogs and cats can have a difficult time…

  • Sterilisation is the removal of all forms of microbial life from an environment, and is very difficult to achieve in the home. Disinfection is the selective elimination of certain undesirable…

  • Cats are very strongly bonded to their environment and any change is likely to result in significant stress. If we consider the changes that we are enforcing on a cat when we take it to the…

  • Second opinions and referrals often cause great anxiety to owners, irrespective of whether suggested by the vet or considered as a possibility by the pet owner. Sometimes, despite every…

  • It is sometimes said that because cats are fussy eaters they are less easily poisoned than dogs. However, with their curiosity and fastidious grooming, intoxication is not that uncommon. Some…

  • Cats are highly attached to territory, and movement away from that secure base is not something that is undertaken lightly! Travelling in cars, planes and other forms of human transport can be…