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Cats + Medical Conditions

  • An Aortic Thromboembolism (ATE) is an extremely painful, common, life threatening complication of cats with heart disease. It occurs when a blood clot (thrombus) forms (usually in the heart) which then passes down the aorta (the main artery which leaves the heart and lies along the spine before splitting into 2 to go down each leg).

  • The term blocked cat refers to a condition in which the cat's urethra (the tube which carries urine from the bladder to the outside) becomes blocked so that the cat cannot pass urine. The condition is more common in male cats than females.

  • These notes are provided to help you understand the diagnosis or possible diagnosis of cancer or other conditions which may be confused with cancer in your pet. For general information on…

  • Anaemia describes a reduction in the amount of red blood cells in the circulation and is a relatively common problem in cats. Red blood cells are important for carrying oxygen from the lungs…

  • Unfortunately anthrax is being used as a method of bio-terrorism and cats can be infected, as can most mammals. Birds are normally resistant to the disease. Different animals have different…

  • A haematoma is a large blood blister which results from rupture of a small blood vessel with resulting haemorrhage between the skin and cartilage usually on the inner aspect of the ear.…

  • Cardiomyopathy is a term used to describe diseases of the heart muscle (cardio = heart, myo = muscle, pathy = disease). In cats, various different types of cardiomyopathy have been described.…

  • Feline Chlamydiosis is caused by a bacterium-like organism. It is an unusual bacterium because it lives inside the cells of the body whereas most bacteria live outside cells. The full name of…

  • There are many different diseases that can affect the kidneys in the cat. Chronic renal failure (CRF) is the end point of a number of different disease processes. All animals have a large…

  • Chronic upper respiratory tract (URT) disease is a relatively common problem in cats, and can have many causes. The most common form is termed chronic post viral or idiopathic rhinitis. In…