Dog - Breeding for Owners 1. Why do I want to Breed?
Many owners want to breed in order to keep a puppy irrespective of the sex, breed or type of pet.
Others, often first time owners, acquire a bitch having made a definite decision that in the future they would like to breed a litter.
Many people mistakenly think that it is necessary for a bitch to have a litter before she's neutered. This is completely untrue and many vets recommend neutering either at 6 months of age or 3 months after the first season.
Whatever the reason, however, there are certain important considerations and it is essential that you realise all the implications before embarking upon any breeding programme.
I obtained my dog from rescue but he is so lovely I would like a puppy from him. How do I go about it?
Remember that just like people, dogs are individuals and although we say 'like father, like son' this does not necessarily always apply. However, if you really are intent on mating your mongrel dog you should remember that dogs, unlike people, usually have considerably more than one offspring at a time. You have to consider how the problem of rehoming the other pups is achieved. Remember this can sometimes be very difficult with non-pedigree stock.
It is also important to realise that many of the larger rescue organizations do not rehome dogs without sterilising them.
If your dog is male, you have to find a bitch. The owner of that bitch will have the responsibility for rehoming the puppies that you do not want. Altogether this is not easy in view of the number of unwanted dogs in rescue.
Owners of male crossbred and mongrel dogs will often make arrangements with neighbours or with members of local dog clubs. If your dog came from a rescue, pet shop, or even a neighbour’s litter, give thought to the puppies your dog will produce. Will you be comfortable, if some of the rest of the litter, apart from the one you choose, end up in a pet shop or in rescue?
If I do decide to go ahead, is it likely that the offspring will have the same lovely temperament as the one I have?
Frankly the odds are against it. Training does however play a large part.
My dog does need to be mated, he becomes very 'fruity' at certain times.
Mating occasionally is only likely to make him worse, it may be kinder to have him castrated. Remember that stud dogs, (pedigree males that have a proven show record), receive bitches on a fairly regular basis. Some owners of pedigree stud dogs will allow non-pedigree matings on occasion if for any reason there is a hold up in the supply of pedigree bitches!
What is the alternative?
Neutering. Remember all service dogs are neutered. This includes Guide Dogs, Hearing Dogs for Deaf People, Dogs for the Disabled etc. The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages. The most important disadvantage is an increase in weight, but only if you are not careful with diet. With modern complete diets and our help you should have no problems in this direction.
How do you suggest I obtain another dog with similar characteristics?
It depends upon the source of your original pet. That should perhaps be your first contact. Alternatively consider your local dog rescue centres. They are full of unwanted animals, the majority of which make charming pets and physically they come in all shapes, sizes, colours and hair coats.
Rescue personnel will also be prepared to assist with specialised advice regarding any special requirements.
I obtained my bitch from rescue and they suggested she should be neutered at six months but she has turned out to be such a lovely pet I would like a litter from her.
Neutering is really the sensible approach. Many crossbred or mongrel bitches are capable of producing up to 8-10 puppies. There is the problem of finding good homes. I am sure you will recall that when you chose your present bitch there were many other dogs looking for homes.
I realise that but she has turned out so special I would like a puppy from her.
Dogs, like people, vary. No matter how careful you are in selection of the sire, which sometimes can be difficult, there is still no guarantee that you ultimately achieve the puppy of your dreams.
Yes, but how can I find a mate for my bitch short of letting her run with any dog in the park?
As mentioned previously owners of pedigree studs sometimes will allow mating with a non-purebred bitch. This is useful if you want to concentrate on a particular character or conformation.
For example, if you have a cross Boxer bitch it may be possible to mate her with a pedigree Boxer stud. Enquire at your local dog club or breed society in the first instance or contact the secretary of the appropriate breed club whose details are available from the Kennel Club.
Please realise your bitch is likely to have a minimum of 4–6 puppies.
What are you going to do with the others?
I am a member of a local training club and there are lots of people who tell me they would like a puppy.
Unfortunately there is a great difference between initial enthusiasm and final acceptance of the puppy. Many people do change their minds in the period between birth and weaning. This is one of the reasons there are so many puppies available from pet shops and rescue.
What then would you suggest?
Neutering. Have your bitch neutered and select a similar type of puppy from your local rescue or via your local dog club. Remember that you will be very fortunate to find good homes for all the rest of any crossbred litter.
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