Dog - Campylobacter Infection
Campylobacter jejuni is a major cause of human bacterial enteritis although it is carried in the intestinal tract of many animals and birds without a problem.
Poultry and meat products are the main sources of human infection which is acquired by eating under cooked chicken or other food contaminated during preparation. Raw milk is another source of contamination.
Is it a problem with dogs?
Campylobacter organisms can be isolated from both healthy and sick dogs which suggests that the organism is not a primary cause of disease in the dog. Since it does occur in the dog and has a zoonotic potential (ability to cause disease in man) if diagnosed in your dog it should be appreciated that it could cause diarrhoea affecting other members of your family. If concerned please consult your GP. The significance of dogs as a source for human infection is not clear cut.
If my dog has campylobacter infection what is the risk to the family?
The risk is minimal with an infected dog in the household. Most cases affecting people result from contaminated milk or poultry. However if any member of the family has a reduced immune response for any reason, the presence of an infected dog is a significant risk.
How is it diagnosed in the dog?
Campylobacter diarrhoea is usually diagnosed by laboratory examination of a faeces sample taken if the dog’s diarrhoea has not cleared up following conventional treatment.
Does this mean that campylobacter is not sensitive to the usual antibiotics and other drugs?
Bacteria show varying sensitivity to antibiotics and campylobacter is particularly resistant to most antibiotics although erythromycin is partially effective.
Is the condition dangerous for my dog or my family?
Healthy dogs and people usually only show signs of watery or sometimes mucoid diarrhoea lasting about a week. Stomach cramps are reported in people but fever, depression, vomiting and lack of appetite are rare.
The disease is usually self limiting although chronic diarrhoea may be a problem. In dogs antibiotics are used not so much to shorten the course of the disease but to prevent bacterial shedding which can occur for some time after the diarrhoea has cleared up. Obviously if members of the family are immuno suppressed, infection with campylobacter could result in more severe symptoms.
How can I minimise the spread of the disease?
Both with us and our dogs good hygiene is probably more important than treatment. Less than 6% of human cases have been confirmed to have come via the dog, the majority of campylobacteriosis in man is the result of improper cooking or lack of hygiene during food preparation. It is essential to ensure there is scrupulous hand washing after touching the dog, particularly if there has been a recent history of diarrhoea. Ensure the dog is discouraged from licking people’s faces, particularly those of young children.
If you have any queries or concerns please do not hesitate to discuss them with us.
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