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Cat & Dog - Chamomile

What is chamomile?

Chamomile (Matricaria recutia, Chamomilla recutita) is commonly used in human herbal medicine as a mild sedative, anti-inflammatory (especially of the gut) and as a spasm relieving herb.

Because of these muscle relaxing, anti-inflammatory and anti-spasmodic properties, Chamomile can provide relief in a variety of common small animal disorders.

It is often applied topically as a concentrated tea to relieve skin inflammation or given orally for a wide variety of inflammatory gut issues.

Chamomile can also be used as a sedative, especially where anxiety leads to gastrointestinal disorders such as gas, pain, and bloating. Chamomile has a reputation to soothe inflamed intestinal surfaces just as it does the skin, leading to its use in treating gastric ulcers. Indeed, one of the most common uses of chamomile in small animal medicine is to soothe and heal irritated intestines in inflammatory bowel disease.

Chamomile also possesses limited anti-bacterial properties.

Why recommend administration of chamomile to my pet?

Chamomile is often administered by mouth, as a strong tea, to dogs and used on the skin in the same way in both dogs and cats. It is given orally as a tea or tincture to relieve anxiety and also to relieve the discomfort of inflammatory bowel disease (which can have many causes). It may be used alone or in combination with other herbs such as mint, wild yam, liquorice, and ginger.

Chamomile can be blotted onto the skin as a concentrated tea to relieve inflammation. Relief of skin inflammation has been documented in mice when given on a regular basis in food.

How much experience is there with the use of chamomile in pets?

Mainly dogs and cats are treated with chamomile. Many pet owners use chamomile externally for mild skin irritations, while others use it to treat gastrointestinal inflammation. It is a good choice for dogs with stress induced diarrhoea.

How much research has been conducted on this supplement?

While chamomile is in common use, most of the evidence for its effectiveness comes from herbal tradition, laboratory studies and clinical experience. Controlled trials with chamomile are lacking in both animals and humans.

How successful is chamomile?

chamomiledog_72Chamomile is very successful as a topical therapy and is useful when combined with other herbs to assist in the healing of problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

How safe is chamomile?

Chamomile is very safe for both internal and external use. Patients allergic to plants in the Aster family may experience allergic reactions to chamomile, but the risk of this being a problem in dogs and cats is extremely low. There have been adverse event reports in cats. Some cats developed bleeding problems when given chamomile orally, but the form of the herb and dose was not reported. Anticoagulant activity of coumarins in the chamomile were speculated to be the issue.

Where do I obtain chamomile and do I need a prescription?

A prescription is not required for chamomile. However, if you would like to discuss the use of chamomile with your pet, please speak to any of the vets. They would be pleased to advise.

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