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General information

The Cockatoo (family Cacatuidae) is a large bodied parrot with a crest of feathers on top of the head that stands erect when the bird is alarmed or excited. These natives of main land Australia and surrounding islands are most widely treasured as desirable companions because of their intelligence and incredibly affectionate nature. They are a suitable family pet as long as it is appreciated they can be like having a small child - forever! This is a high maintenance bird both physically and emotionally as they demand a lot of attention. They enjoy endless coddling, caressing and hugs however this sort of attention may well ultimately result in inappropriate pair bonds and behavioural problems. No matter how cuddly they appear it is vital to maintain an appropriate owner-pet relationship. Only stroke head and feet and never offer food from your mouth. They are extremely destructive and should not be left unattended in the house. These beautiful birds are not as talented talkers as other parrots. They have a loud, harsh, penetrating voice that may indicate joy or outrage. When alarmed or frightened, Cockatoos give off a peculiar hissing noise as a warning. Cockatoos love to chew, therefore, providing a continuous supply of non-toxic fresh branches and pet-safe toys will afford many hours of entertainment for your bird. Cockatoos naturally produce a lot of feather dust or powder down from their feathers.

Some commonly kept cockatoos include the larger Moluccan (Salmon-crested) Cockatoo, Greater Sulfur-crested Cockatoo and Umbrella (White) Cockatoo. The smaller sized birds include the Goffin's Cockatoo, Lesser Sulfur-crested Cockatoo and the Citron-crested Cockatoo.

Purchasing a cockatoo

Cockatoos may be purchased from a pet shop or, better, a reputable breeder. When selecting a parent-reared cockatoo, try to choose a young bird as it may be easier to tame and train. Older, wild, colony or parent raised birds may prove difficult to tame. Hand raised babies often make better pets since they have been completely socialised with humans however this process may adversely affect behavioural development predisposing to overbonding and feather destructive disorders. It is possible now to obtain birds that have been parent-reared until they are due to exit the nest (thus entering an important socialization phase), then hand-reared to weaning. Importantly having a captive-bred bird means that the wild bird population is not threatened further by catching and importing wild birds. This practice is bad both for the bird captured and transported as well as for the dwindling population left in the wild. Your new bird should be exposed early to different events (young and old people, males and females, other pets, car trips, visits to the vet, etc.) to help promote a calm, well-adjusted pet. The lively, alert bird that is not easily frightened is more likely a healthy bird. After purchasing your new bird, have it examined by your vet.

Veterinary care

Cockatoos require regular, routine veterinary health check-ups. Your veterinary surgeon can perform a physical examination, grooming (beak, nail or feather trim ) and laboratory tests as needed. During these semi-annual check-ups, health, nutritional and maintenance issues can be identified and addressed. Veterinary check-ups help prevent disease and will aid in the maintenance of a long lasting, healthy relationship between you and your bird.


In the larger (Cacatua spp) mature males have black/dark brown irises (yes) while immature birds and females have red or light brown irises. There are some exceptions to this (!) so sexing should be performed by laparoscopy or DNA sexing (blood or feathers).


  • minimum 90 cm x 90 cm x 120 cm (3 ft x 3 ft x 4 ft)
  • need a very strong sturdy cage to withstand the powerful beaks

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