Bird - Leg Bands and Identification
Why does my bird have a leg band?
Leg bands are often applied by the breeder to help identify and keep track of their birds. Breeders usually apply closed (solid) rings or bands at an early age when the small feet will fit through the hole. For some CITES-listed species it is a legal requirement that chicks are identified using a closed ring. This helps the breeder monitor the birds that are to be sold as well as managing the genetics of those birds to be bred together. Quarantine bands are placed on imported birds for regulatory reasons. These bands are often open (incomplete rings) or pinned together. Open rings may be used by breeders for identifying non-CITES birds. They may also be applied after surgical sexing - this allows cross-referencing with the veterinary surgeon's records. Sexing rings usually carry the initials of the vet doing the sexing and are normally placed on the right leg of males and
left leg of females.
Can a leg band be a problem for my bird?
Sometimes! Leg injuries can be caused by leg bands. The bands can get caught in the cage or cage tops and lead to breaks, dislocations or sprains. Leg bands sometimes are too small and will cause constriction of the leg. Some birds may develop a build up of dead skin between the skin and the band which will lead to a band that is too tight (especially following scaly leg infection). If a foot is injured and becomes swollen the leg band will again be unforgiving. In the worse case, this can lead to loss of a foot. All leg bands should be checked regularly for problems.
How else can I identify my bird?
A safer, more easily placed and less easily removed permanent identification is the microchip. Now used widely around the world the microchip is no larger than a grain of rice. Your veterinary surgeon will be happy to implant the microchip in your bird's breast muscle in the same manner as the technology is used in the dog or cat. The needle through which it is inserted into the left breast muscle of the bird looks gruesome but is well tolerated by the bird. However, for smaller birds or for inexperienced implanters performing the procedure under anaesthesia is often preferable. The implant is read by passing a scanning 'wand' over the bird with complete safety. A number is recorded, registered to you and will make a direct and positive identification of the individual bird and owner. The price of the microchip includes access to a database through which your bird can be returned to you if it escapes and is found.
Should I have my bird's leg band removed?
Some owners prefer to have the leg band removed as it may cause problems in the future - especially in macaws that often walk on the whole foot (including the part with the ring). If the ring is removed a microchip should be implanted as the bird will require a means of identification. In the case of CITES species, the authorities should be informed and be provided with the microchip number and a letter from the veterinary surgeon stating why the ring was removed.
Rings should be removed using specialist tools. For lighter rings special notched cutters may be utilized. These prevent the ring twisting as it is cut.
For heavy stainless steel rings it is best to use a Dremel cutting tool. There is a risk of injury to the bird if it moves so this procedure should always be performed on the anaesthetised bird.
Used and/or modified with permission under license. ©Lifelearn, The Penguin House, Castle Riggs, Dunfermline FY11 8SG