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Dog - Spinal Surgery - Post Operative Care

Following any surgical spinal procedure carefully coordinated home nursing plays a large part in the ultimate successful outcome. After successful surgery to relieve pressure on the spinal cord the aim is to get the dog moving as soon as possible and experience shows that this is best achieved with careful nursing in the home environment.

Are there special aspects of nursing following spinal surgery?

  • Depending on the amount of spinal damage that had originally occurred, on return home your dog may have no urinary or bowel control therefore it is important that you help your dog to empty his bladder and/or bowel and we will show you how to do this.
  • The bowels should move when they are full even if your dog has no control but it is important that you are vigilant and clean up as soon as any faeces are passed. If there is no bowel movement for 48 hours please contact us without delay.
  • Since the patient has little if any control over the natural functions, scrupulous hygiene is necessary otherwise skin infection will occur. We will supply suitable shampoos and preparations to avoid this together with instructions.
  • The aim of surgery was to relieve pressure on the delicate spinal cord. Following this, gentle exercise and movement will cause no further damage provided this is not excessive. Careful supervision is necessary to ensure that your pet does not cause further injuries e.g. by falling from a chair or down steps or stairs. Allowing the patient to drag himself over carpeted surfaces is beneficial provided it is not overdone as this can cause friction sores. Care must be taken to ensure that this does not occur on hard surfaces. This can cause excoriation and sores to the paws. If these occur please contact us. (We will supply the necessary shampoo, ointments and bandages etc.)
  • Rather than confining the dog, experience has shown that cage rest postoperatively can prolong the return of walking ability. Nevertheless cage confinement as part of home care is useful if the dog has to be left alone for any length of time since this can prevent unsupervised, accidental injury.

What shall I do to encourage my dog to move about?

Controlled exercise on a carpeted surface using a towel as a sling to support the hindquarters is very beneficial. This only needs to be done for a few minutes two or three times a day and if you have any queries or concerns please contact us and we will demonstrate the technique.

Is it correct that swimming is a good aid to recovery?

This depends on the individual patient and whether swimming is a natural activity. Many dogs actually enjoy the experience and with most dogs this can be achieved in the bath. We will be happy to discuss the procedure more fully with you.

Is there any special diet that I should be feeding?

Provided the dog is receiving a balanced complete diet there should be no problems. However do please discuss any queries you may have.

How long does it usually take for normal function to return?

This is extremely variable but is usually between three weeks and three months although many dogs will not walk unaided for six months or more. When the dog becomes paralysed and unable to use his limbs, sensation (feeling) is usually still retained and that is why at our routine examinations, both prior to and following surgery, we will pinch the toes and sometimes gently prick them with a hypodermic needle. Sensory feeling, as the last to go, is usually the first to return. Once it has become re-established movement is hopefully soon restored. This being helped, of course, by previously described exercises using support with the aid of a towel.

Are there other precautions I need to take?

Dogs with posterior (hind limb) paralysis frequently develop bladder infections. If the urine at any time appears blood stained, strong in colour or odour or causes you concern please contact us.

Once recovery commences some dogs, particularly if young, try to overdo it. Here controlled nursing supervision is vital. Do not encourage or allow running or jumping. Also during this convalescent (healing) period carefully supervise contact with other active dogs to avoid accidental injury.

Because my dog is not active I think he is putting on weight. What shall I do?

Please bring him in and we will discuss this. Treats/food rewards are by far the best methods of increasing the patient’s cooperation during exercise sessions but unfortunately can be counter productive because even a minimum increase in weight will delay full restoration of function. We will arrange regular weight checks and together formulate a suitable diet.

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