Cat & Dog - Pre-Operation Check Ups
Modern anaesthetics, equipment and techniques have vastly reduced the risk associated with general anaesthesia and surgery with healthy animals. However, it is not usually the healthy pet that has to have an anaesthetic for surgery or other procedures. Therefore the potential for complications still exists. Pre-anaesthetic check ups are the best way to assess the risk involved in any procedure where an anaesthetic is required. Such tests are designed to reveal any underlying problems which might have to be considered when planning the procedure.
What do these tests involve?
The amount of pre-anaesthetic/operation investigation depends on the age of the animal, any health concerns, the nature of the procedure, the time involved, etc. Broadly pre-op check ups involve:
- Physical examination including relevant history taking
- Routine blood tests
Physical examination
Depending on the nature of the investigation planned a careful note of the pet's history is often needed. This is then followed by a clinical examination that includes an initial inspection of the animal, then palpation (manual manipulatation) of the body's surface, skin, hair, muscles etc., and palpation of internal abdominal organs through the body wall. A stethoscope is then used to listen to the heart, lungs and abdomen (ausculation).
Routine blood testing
During the clinical examination a blood sample will be obtained either from a vein in the neck or from the pet's foreleg. This will be subjected to the following tests:
- Complete blood count (CBC) which assesses the main cellular components of the blood, red blood cells (RBCs - erythrocytes), which carry oxygen to the tissues and white blood cells (WBCs - leucocytes) which fight infection. Blood platelets are essential for the normal clotting of the blood.
- Serum biochemistry involves a series of tests performed on the serum, which is the liquid part of the blood. These tests will give an indication of the efficiency of liver and kidney function and other major organs. For example, blood glucose levels are measured and will often detect early signs of sugar diabetes.
A urine sample may be requested since examination and analysis of urine is necessary for a complete evaluation of the urinary system. It will provide some information about kidney function and may reveal bladder problems (such as crystals, etc.).
Depending on the results of these tests (which are usually carried out in-house so that results are rapidly available) further tests may be advised before the procedure goes ahead.
What are these further tests?
Sometimes imaging (involving radiography/xrays, ultrasound) may be advised, or, in the case of older animals with any suspected heart problems, an ECG (electrocardiogram) may be considered helpful if there is any doubt about cardiac function.
Once all this pre-op information has been analysed we are then in the best position to advise you regarding the risk of anaesthesia and the planned procedure. Unfortunately, the fact has to be faced that whenever we, or our pets, undergo anaesthesia and surgery, there is always a small unavoidable risk. However, pre-procedure check-ups help to reduce the potential for unexpected complications.
We will be happy to discuss these check ups with you.
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