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Cat & Dog - Behaviour Resources for Owners 2010

Highly recommended books and DVDs are highlighted.

catbites_catkitten3_72german_shepherd_72There are a number of excellent books and training guides available that are intended to teach pet owners how to apply the basic principles of learning and training in a humane, effective and logical manner.  At the other extreme, many training books and manuals have been written by self-professed experts who advocate techniques that may be scientifically unsound, inappropriate, or inhumane.  Following these techniques will seldom lead to improvement of the problem and might even aggravate some conditions.  The best way to select a book, video or training manual is to seek the guidance or recommendation of a veterinary surgeon, a reputable behaviour counsellor or an obedience trainer who you trust and respect.  It can also be useful to assess the background, expertise and in particular, the education of the author(s).  Be certain that the book you choose covers the training techniques, products and topics for which you are seeking assistance.  In general, the most recent publications will include the most recent advances in behaviour, training, and products.  However, some of the older texts are the best resources for obtaining a sound understanding of the psychology of learning and the basic behaviour of dogs and cats.  Although inclusion in the reference list below is not intended to be an endorsement, the publications have been screened and are included based on the following criteria:

  1. The author has a sound knowledge of basic canine and feline behaviour.  
  2. Training techniques emphasise positive reinforcement, motivation, and shaping rather than punishment.
  3. Correction techniques have been designed to train or encourage the pet to perform an appropriate behaviour and set the pet up to succeed, rather than punishing the pet for inappropriate behaviour.


  1. Ackerman, L., Landsberg, G. & Hunthausen, W. (Eds)   (1996)  Cat behavior and training: veterinary advice for owners, TFH Publications, Neptune, NJ.
  2. Ackerman, L., Landsberg, G., Hunthausen, W. (1996)  (Eds)  Dog behavior and training: veterinary advice for owners, TFH Publications, Neptune, NJ.
  3. Adams, J. (2000) 25 Stupid mistakes dog owners make.  Lowell House.
  4. Appleby, D. (1998)  Ain't misbehavin.  Broadcast Books, Bristol.
  5. Appleby, D. (1990)  The good behaviour guide.  Pet Behaviour Centre.
  6. Appleby, D. (1992)  How to have a happy puppy.  Pet Behaviour Centre.
  7. Appleby, D. (1995)  How to have a contented cat.  Pet Behaviour Centre.
  8. Arden, A. (1999)  Train your yog the lazy way.  Alpha Books.
  9. Arden, A. (2000)  Dog friendly dog training.  Idg Books Worldwide.
  10. Bailey, G. (1995)  The perfect puppy: How to raise a problem free dog.  Hamlyn, London.
  11. Bailey, G. (2002)  What is my cat thinking?  The essential guide to understanding pet behaviour.  Hamlyn, London.
  12. Bailey, G. (2002)  What is my dog thinking?  The essential guide to understanding pet behaviour. Hamlyn, London.
  13. Bailey, G.  Training for Life - a multimedia resource pack for raising a family dog.  Puppy School, PO Box 186, Chipping Norton.  www.puppyschool.co.uk
  14. Bauman, A. (1995)  'Pawsitive' Dog Training.  Goldenbrook Kennels.
  15. Burch, M. & Bailey, J. (1999)   How dogs learn.  Howell Book House.
  16. Dennison, P.A. (2003)  Complete idiots guide to:  Positive Dog Training.  Alpha.
  17. Donaldson, J. (1996)  The Culture Clash.  James and Kenneth Publishers, Harpenden.
  18. Donaldson, J. (2002)  Mine: a practical guide to resource guarding in dogs.  Kinship Communications.
  19. Donaldson, J. (2004)  Fight: a practical guide to the treatment of dog-dog aggression.  Kinship Communications.
  20. Dunbar, I. How to teach a new dog old tricks. James & Kenneth Publishers, Kings Langley, Herts.
  21. Dunbar, I.  (2001) After you get your puppy.  James & Kenneth Publishers, Berkeley.
  22. Fisher, J. (1991)  Why does my dog? Souvenir Press London.
  23. Fogle, B. (1994)  The complete dog training manual.  Dorling Kindersley, London.
  24. Heath, S. E. (2009)  Why is my cat doing that? Hamlyn, London.
  25. Heath, S. (2002)  Cat & Kitten Behaviour.  An owners guide. Collins.
  26. Hunter, R. (2003)  Fun nose work for dogs.  Howln Moon Press.
  27. Kershaw, E. (1998)  Go click an introduction to clicker training.  Pet Behaviour Centre.
  28. King, S.G. (2000)  Ready steady click.  Crosskeys Select Books.
  29. Laurence, K. (2007)  Learning Games.  Learning About Dogs Ltd. www.learningaboutdogs.com
  30. Marden, A. &. Horwitz, D.  (1998)  The Collins complete dog owner's manual. Broadway Book, Harper Collins.
  31. Miller, P. (2001)  The power of positive dog training. Hungry Minds.
  32. Mugford, R. (1992)  Dog training the Mugford way - Never say no! Hutchinson/Stanley Paul London.
  33. Neville, P. & Bessant, C. (1997)  The perfect kitten.  Hamlyn London.
  34. Palmer, H. (1993)  The behavioural effects of castration.  Pet Behaviour Centre.
  35. Parsons, E. (2005)  Click to calm.   Sunshine Books.
  36. Peachey, E. (1997)  Good puppy.  Erica Peachey.
  37. Peachey, E. (1997)  Good dog.  Erica Peachey.
  38. Peachey, E. (1996)  Running puppy classes.  Erica Peachey.
  39. Peachey, E. (1997)  Walking on a loose lead. Erica Peachey.
  40. Price, C. (2000)  Understanding the Border Collie.  Broadcast Books, Bristol.
  41. Price, C. (2001)  Understanding the Rescue dog.  Broadcast Books, Bristol.
  42. Pryor, K. (1985). Don't shoot the dog. Bantam Books, New York.
  43. Reid, P.J. (1996)  Excel-erated learning. James & Kenneth, Harpenden.
  44. Ryan, D. (2008)  Stop.  How to control predatory chasing in dogs.  ISBN 978-1-4092-5827-8
  45. Scidmore, B & McConnell, P.  (1996)  Puppy primer.  Dog's Best friend.
  46. Spencer, M. (1999)  Clicker training for obedience.  Sunshine Books.
  47. Volhard, J. & Volhard, W.  (2001)  Dog training for dummies.  Hungry Minds.  
  48. Walton, J. (2002)  Positive puppy training works.  David & James.
  49. Weston, D. & Ross, E.R. (1992)  Dog problems: the gentle modern cure.  Howell Book House, NY.
  50. Weston, D. (1990)  Dog training.  Howell Book House, NY.
  51. Whitehead, S. (1999)  Hands Off! Simple gentle ways to teach your dog at home.
  52. Wright, J. & Lashnits, J.W. (1994)  Is your cat crazy?  Solutions from the casebook of a cat therapist.  Simon and Shuster, Macmillan Co, NY.


  1. White, L.  PuppySmarts, six lessons on DVD (housetraining, crate/den training, obedience, jumping, chewing, biting)
  2. Appleby, D.  Paws for Thought - video for owners of young puppies available from Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors.
  3. Appleby, D.  Ain't Misbehavin' - video for owners of dogs with behaviour problems  available from Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors.
  4. Dunbar, I. (1992)  Training the Companion Dog - Basic Training (4 tapes) Dogs  PO Box 123, Southampton.
  5. Dunbar, I.  Dog training for kids (Vidoetape), James and Kenneth Publishers, Kings Langley, Herts.
  6. Dunbar, I.  Sirius puppy training. Video.  James & Kenneth Publishers. Kings Langley, Herts.
  7. Dunbar, I. (1996) Training dogs with Dunbar.  James & Kenneth, Harpenden.
  8. Dunbar, I. (1997) Dr Dunbar's canine aggression course (7 tapes) James & Kenneth, Harpenden.
  9. Dunbar, I. (1998)  Dog aggression - Parts 1 (Biting) & 2 (Fighting)  James & Kenneth, Harpenden.
  10. Pryor, K.  Clicker magic, (videotape), Sunshine Books, North Bend, WA, USA
  11. Pryor, K. & Clark C. (1999)  Puppy Love: raise your dog the clicker way.  Sunshine Books.
  12. Rugaas, T. (2006)  Calming signals: What your dog tells you, Dogwise.
  13. Tabor, R. (1994)  Breaking bad habits for cats.  Cats On Film, PO Box 479 Abbots Langley, Herts.
  14. Tabor, R. (1994)  The cat indoors. Cats on Film, PO Box 479 Abbots Langley, Herts.
  15. Tabor, R. (1994)  The cat outdoors.  Cats on Film, PO Box 479 Abbots Langley, Herts
  16. Tenanat, C. (1992)  Basic dog training.  Dogs on Film, PO Box 479 Abbots Langley, Herts.
  17. Tenanat, C. (1992)  Breaking bad habits.  Dogs on Film, PO Box 479 Abbots Langley, Herts.
  18. UFAW (1998)  Dog temperament testing video.  UFAW Potters Bar.


  1. Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors: Behaviour books, booklets, videos and products.  PO Box 46, Worcester WR8 9YS.  www.apbc.org.uk
  2. Welfare in Dog Training.  www.dogwelfarecampaign.org

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