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Pre-operative Information

This is a guide for owners when their animal has been booked in for a procedure.

The day before
Feed your pet normally throughout the day but withdraw food from 9pm on the day prior to the scheduled anaesthetic. Water should be available until you bring your pet in to us. Cats are best kept indoors overnight so there is no risk of them not coming home, or of eating anything. Rabbits, guinea pigs and rodents should be fed as normal and not starved.

Morning of the anaesthetic
It is helpful if dogs are walked on a lead the morning of the operation, to allow them to empty their bladder and bowels. Please try not to let them get too dirty! Please arrive at the surgery at your allotted admit appointment time, and allow about 10 minutes for us to go through the consent form with you before admitting your pet.

Pre-anaesthetic blood test
We offer this to all pets being admitted for an anaesthetic, but particularly recommend considering it for older animals. The blood test is run (in-house) on the morning of the anaesthetic. A blood test may highlight a problem that will effect how your pet will cope with the anaesthetic procedure and also allows us to use the information in the longer-term medical management of your pet. Abnormalities found on the blood test may alter our choice of anaesthetic protocol or recommendations for your pet. If your pet has shown any symptoms such as weight loss, or changes to thirst/appetite a blood test prior to anaesthesia is particularly warranted.

You will be asked to read and sign a consent form prior to admitting your pet for surgery. We will happily provide an estimate as to the probable costs of investigations and treatment, but please bear in mind that animals do not always follow the textbook so an estimate can only be approximate. While we endeavour to keep within estimate, complications can arise which may involve further costs and we aim to keep you informed of any additional costs.

The day of the anaesthetic
We will keep you updated on the day and when you come to collect your pet, a nurse will explain any further treatment, post-operative care and checks that are necessary.

If you have any questions/queries then please do not hesitate to contact us on 01803 606059.