In case of emergency telephone 01803 606059.
Unsure if your pet needs to be seen? Use our online symptom checker tool here.
In case of an emergency when the surgery is closed there is a vet and a nurse on duty 8am-7pm. The weekend and bank holiday daytime rota is shared with Quarry House Vets (148 Teignmouth Road, Torquay, TQ1 4RY). Therefore, in emergency circumstances, your pet may need to attend this clinic for first aid, with Greenbay following up any long-term care requirements.
Overnight (7pm-8am) our phones are redirected to MiNightVet South Devon, emergency vets based out of Dart Vale Vets in Totnes. The address is Station Road, Totnes, TQ9 5JR. Therefore, in emergency circumstances, your pet may need to attend this clinic for first aid, with Greenbay following up any long-term care requirements. MiNightVet is staffed by their own dedicated team and work on our behalf to deliver emergency care to your pet. The big advantage to this is that there will be a vet and nurse on site all night, awake and ready to attend to the care of your animal. All veterinary practices in Torbay now use this service. MiNightVet do not offer out of hours home visits, and all animals will need to be transported to the MiNightVet clinic for treatment. Payment for treatment will need to be made at the time of the consultation.
Local taxi companies who may be able to help with transport:
Torbay Taxis 01803 211611
Cab Co 01803 292292
Price first taxis 01803 322322
Dave’s Cabs 01803 406004
Please inform the taxi company in advance that you have a pet to transport. All cats/small furries must be in a suitable carrier.
In-patients admitted to our own surgeries have a nurse and vet assigned to in-patient checks. In the rare instance that a patient must be hospitalised overnight at a surgery the duty veterinarian will assess the frequency of checks required overnight. We do not have staff on site at our surgeries 24 hours a day.